Envisioning a successful future for the mauritian tourism sector

Category Travel

There is a paradigm shift occuring in the tourism industry in the world. A new breed of sophisticated and highly demanding tourists are driving industry changes. Information technology is opening up an astonishing array of travel and vacation options for the new tourist. Even destinations that have performed extremely well in the past are radically re-thinking their development. Undeterred by the bleak outlook in early 2003 and 2004, the present government is committed to fulfill its mission in propelling the tourism industry and enabling its unparalleled recovery and growth.(...) The Minister of Tourism and Leisure, Honourable Xavier-Luc Duval has adopted and re-focused his business strategies so as to tap the growing tourism traffic from the fast-growing emerging markets of the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA). MTPA would be changing from a predominantly marketing agency to an economic development agency focused on building the tourism sector?s contribution to the economic growth of Mauritius. (...) With this perspective MTPA has revisited his mission, vision and objectives, and the targets would drive future initiatives and catapult strong growth in the tourism industry over the next 10 years.

Recommendations 1.0 Marketing campaign Tourism is vital to the economic stability and growth of Mauritius. MTPA in collaboration with private and public sectors should develop and deliver research-driven marketing programs. Its mission is to grow Mauritian tourism sector by stimulating increased consumer spending and visits, and by generating greater partner participation in collaborative marketing initiatives. By working continuously to evolve as a marketing partnership, MTPA will play a key role in establishing Mauritius as a pre-eminent, four-season destination. MTPA is developing exciting, integrated, research-driven marketing programs that would reinforce Mauritius as a strong tourism economy and a premier, four-season travel destination. It is focusing on increasing the visibility and brand awareness of Mauritius, as well as positioning Mauritius as a premier travel destination around the world.

2.0 Branding and MarketingAn essential component of MTPA marketing efforts is to develop ?Brand Mauritius?. Developing a brand identity requires defining what makes Mauritius different from other holiday destinations: what themes or values characterize Brand Mauritius, what Mauritius? unique selling proposition (or USP) is. Mauritius is being labelled and marketed under the brand name ?Unique Mauritius? with a unique blend of different people, nationalities, cultures, folklores, cuisine, arts, and architecture. Mauritius is home to a multitude of traditions capriciously preserved for more than 300 years offering a unique landscape of colourful ethnic people from white to black living in absolute harmony with each other. Located in the heart of the Indian Ocean, it is a legend island where East and West meet. It offers memorable moments and fascinating experiences hosted by its friendly and welcoming people. MTPA is developing and designing the destination brand with right strategy to effectively communicate the brand essence and brand promise worldwide to all key stakeholders and potential tourists planning to travel to Mauritius.

3.0 Liberalisation of Air Access PolicyThe time is ripe for Mauritius to look for new frontiers and new horizons with more long-haul direct flights. The policy of opening the Mauritian sky to new airlines will witness a huge resurgence in travel and tourism and the whole tourism landscape will drastically change (...) The soft opening up of the Mauritian Sky to several airlines namely LaudaAir, Air India, Luft, Emirates Airline, has contributed to increasing the traffic of tourists from CIS, Austria, Germany, India, etc to Mauritius. This bears witness to the fact with continued liberalization of the air access to other airlines the promise of targeting over 1 million tourists can be achieved by year 2010.

4.0 Researc Sound tourism research is the cornerstone of future profitability. Areas of Tourism Intelligence include the following: Database of global data on tourism and the economy as an ongoing analysis of world tourism markets. Market Segment Analysis to determine size, makeup, and potential for marketing and development decisions. Destination Re-engineering providing competitive intelligence on peer products and destinations. Tourism Master Plans offering strategic and comprehensive plans for destination development.

5.0 Development ProgrammeMTPA should identify and co-ordinate a Product Development Programme and develop new tourism products to market-ready status. The best available research and market intelligence plays an important role in the program to ensure that Mauritian tourism products are competitive, appealing, and meet the interests and expectations of high-yield customers. Selling the ?complete tourism experience? or ?Experience Mauritius?, rather than the individual features of the product or region is far more appealing to target audiences.

6.0 Web site marketin or MAURITIUS ON-LINE in various languages. MTPA would design and host a web site with complete online information on the Mauritian Tourism Sector including hotels, tourist sites, restaurants, car hire, events, recreational and sport activities and other tourist services. The Explore Mauritius? web site or would include editorial, home page button, promotional spots, additional information on Mauritius: flights, destinations, schedules, promotion, incentives, on-line bookings and reservations ?My trip planner? or Promotion on feature allows them to create a personal trip itinerary via searchable accommodations database.

7.0 MTPA PublicationsLatest consumer publications with colourful travel planning guides showcasing new product and travel experiences should be designed specifically for its target markets and as fulfillment pieces to its advertising campaigns.

7.1 MTPA Travel Newspape The MTPA Travel Newspaper would be launched as a travel newspaper published two times a year (Winter/Summer editions) in partnership with a partner publisher. The Newspaper will include a calendar of activities. MTPA will distribute the newspaper to Travel Information Centers. The Marketing Update newsletter to keep tourists informed of current MTPA marketing activities and the latest travel news, industry-related developments, business opportunities, events and more.

8. Advertisin Advertising is the most visible and documented form of marketing promotion. A range of options for promotional activities should be utilized. One of advertising strategies of Air Mauritius / MTPA may include a very romantic and appealing ad with the theme ?Mauritian Girl? - a key element of the company?s campaign. Passengers traveling on Air Mauritius should be spellbound by the beauty of its stewardesses and impressed by their competence and caring. In line with its market penetration strategy, MTPA should launch extensive multi-dimensional worldwide advertising campaigns and promote Mauritius and related travel, events or activities.

9. Media RelationsMTPA media relations and public relations program is designed to position Mauritian travel and tourism favorably in international, regional and national media. The unit must develop and maintains working relationships with proven writers and broadcasters, providing timely and compelling tourism ideas/leads. Fax and e-mail messages have to be sent regularly to daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations, and media contacts.

10. Travel and Vacations Fair MTPA should participate in travel workshops which reinforces commitment to strengthen Mauritius?s relationship and deepen global ties with the target markets. In these platforms, MTPA should be showcasing the various unique aspects of Mauritius - its history, culture, cuisine. nature, street scenes, delicacies, colourful festivals, traditions and heritage; all these issues will entice more people to visit Mauritius.

11. Tourism AwarenessAir Mauritius and MTPA should organize Tourism Awareness Programmes (TAP) as an ongoing information campaign to create a greater awareness the Mauritian tourism industry in Europe. To coincide with Mauritian Week (the first full week in March), special seminars and business parties should be organized in the major target countries whereby leading tour operators and travel agencies will be invited to attend the ceremonies. ● 12. Conference on Tourism This type of annual conference should bring together all sectors of the Mauritian tourism industry for educational, brainstorming and networking sessions. MTPA may also present its annual tourism marketing and strategic marketing plan for the coming year.

13. International Workshops.Each year, MTPA should participate in the International Travel Workshops in major target and emerging markets A series of international workshops should be organized by MTPA in major cities to build a better interaction between the Mauritian tour operators and foreign agents.

14. Familiarization Tour MTPA/Air Mauritius will have to organize and host ?fam? tours for travel agents, tour operators and media representatives from the various target markets. MTPA/AHRIM should sponsor the ?fam trips? for foreign tour operators to familiarize them with Mauritian destination and provide them with information they need to develop group tours to Mauritius. In order to package and sell Mauritian tourism products overseas, MTPA should enlist the help of specialized marketing agencies to work with it.

15. Travel Agent Marketin The goal of this program is to develop commissionable travel to Mauritius. The focus is on marketing the existing product, establishing relationships with the travel trade, developing new products and serving as a liaison with the Mauritian tourism industry to expand the travel agent distribution. MTPA should maintain membership with the Tour Operators Association in the target countries. There are opportunities for tourism businesses and organizations to participate.

16. Information ServiceA Tourist Information Service should be set up to provide timely, accurate and effective destination information as well as address visitor inquiries on the destination to all visitors traveling to Mauritius on a 24 hours basis. Tourist Information Service is one-stop shop, which should provide a range of tourist-related services through a network of ?Visitors Centres? in key tourist areas such as SSR Int Airport, Port Louis or Air Mauritius Counter. It should also manage tourist complaints, ensuring that these are promptly and professionally addressed, and there is effective service recovery by MTPA and/or service providers to minimise any negative impact on Mauritius?s reputation as a premier tourist destination.

17. Service ExcellenceMTPA should strive in getting the stakeholders of the entire tourism industry to incorporate, embrace and practice the concept of Service Excellence Programme through special MTPA sponsored training sessions. These should be aimed at achieving service excellence and enabling companies to review their structures, systems and processes accordingly to a set framework to satisfy and delight their customers.

18. Staging Themed Activities ??Mauritian Festivals? , ?attractive destination of festivals?. The aim of staging such themed events and activities in Mauritius is to show to the whole world the uniqueness of the Mauritian culture, unity in diversity, co-existence of modern and traditional. Tourists will have the opportunity to have a glimpse of the diversity and richness of the local culture. As part of the ?Culture? theme, visitors will be able to see cultural performances, learn about the ethnic landscape of Mauritius, sample a wide array of Mauritius delicacies and shop for Mauritius souvenirs.

19. SMEs DevelopmentThe development of small, medium and micro enterprises is an important condition for growth, development and sustainability of the local tourism industry. Tourism-related projects such as restaurants, shops, bars, parasailing, boathouses, parasailing, parachutes, etc. are being developed. This community-based tourism development represents one of the key building blocks for creating economic opportunities for SMEs.

20. Courtesy campaig Warm weather, spectacular scenery, secluded beaches, accessible wildlife, cultural attractions, a wide range of quality accommodation and good value for money: just some of the ingredients that make a successful tourism destination. Other man-made factors ? safety and security, a warm welcome and good service ? are also vital. Indeed, successful destinations are those where visitors feel a complete sense of welcome ? where the locals always smile. MTPA should launch an island-wide courtesy campaign aimed at sensitizing the whole community on the importance of offering warm welcome and smile to visitors. ?smile training? to front-line staff as well as the whole population should be envisaged.

21. Sales promotionsSales promotion are short-term incentives such as discounts, quantitative purchases discounts, coupons, etc designed to increase trials, generate sales, deepen market acceptation, and increase market penetration. Customers loyalty programmes seek to bond customers to Mauritius by offering additional incentives. Among the well-known programmes for rewarding repeat users are Frequent ?Flyer Programmes targeted at business travelers and individuals who travel the most often. This promotion enables travelers to claim travel rewards on the accumulated distance they had traveled on the airline. The number of miles flown becomes the basis of the scoring system that entitled travelers to claim from a menu of free tickets in different classes of the service. The Frequent Flyer database is very important as it enables the airline to learn more about the travel behaviour and create highly targeted mailing lists for travelers who travel frequently. It is also possible to examine the bookings for individual flights to know the percentage of the seats filled by the frequent flyers most of whom are traveling on business, therefore not as price sensitive as people traveling on vacation or leisure trips.

22. Conclusio The local tourism is being forced to compete in rapidly changing global markets. Tourism is one of the sectors, which would be reinvigorated to sustain strong economic development and growth. The Minister of Tourism has adopted innovative strategies. He envisages to differentiate the Mauritian destination by bringing innovative models of competitiveness and introducing new dimensions into the positioning equation, which other countries cannot immediately match. He is implementing ?an industry innovator strategy? with the liberalization of air access policy. MTPA would patronage the local operator?s customer philosophy and service culture to improve their customers? experience by offering a range of ?differentiated, customer- focused and personalised services? with higher perceived values and quality of service than competitors. ?Feel at home? strategy with the intent of establishing an image Mauritius as a World Class Destination for fine and excellent services would be its focal point. (...) This would be achieved by capturing the potential markets of the future promise: China, Australia, Scandinavia, America/Canada and conquering the world biggest continent comprising Russia, Ukraine, CIS and Eastern Europe ? a market of more than 300 million potential tourists hitherto untapped. A wide range of muscled advertising campaign and new marketing models such Guerilla Marketing, Internet marketing, Web site Marketing, On-line booking and Web site advertising would enable Mauritius not only to attain global agility and ensure a sustainable long term growth within a short span of time.

Author: Dr Andeekanand RAMESSUR MSc, Phd, MBA

Submitted 17 Jun 20 / Views 2902