How is Mauritius's economic freedom ranked?

Category Economy

How is Mauritius's economic freedom ranked?
Mauritius's economic freedom score is 73.0, making its economy the 25th most free in the 2019 Index. Its overall score has decreased by 2.1 points, with sharp declines in government integrity, judicial effectiveness, and labor freedom overwhelming improvements in scores for business freedom and the tax burden. Mauritius is ranked 1st among 47 countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa region, and its overall score is above the regional and world averages.  
Mauritius remains among the Sub-Saharan Africa region's most business-friendly countries, with solid economic policies and prudent banking practices. Its global trade and investment outreach has increased exports of goods and services and tourism, and low oil prices have kept inflation low. An efficient and transparent regulatory regime supports broad-based economic development, and competitive tax rates and a flexible labor code facilitate private-sector growth. A sound legal framework protects property rights. The pace of reform has slipped, suggesting a deterioration in competitiveness.

Author: RE/MAX 24

Submitted 15 Jan 20 / Views 1374