Category Sport

People from across the island will gather again at La Croisette, in Grand Baie to run, jog or walk five kilometres. From fitness fanatics to socialites, the singletons, grandparents, parents, children, and volunteers come together for this healthy activity. There are hundreds of reasons why it is worth entering this free, weekly timed event. More than a community run! 


Register on our website, and meet us in the Esplanade to collect your timing device and be on time for the 07h00 start!


Following the launch of our VIRTUAL CLUB on STRAVA during lockdown, this event will continue so you can still participate participate wherever you may be!


Follow the below easy steps to sign up:

1.  Register on our website (if you haven't already)

2.  Using the same e-mail address, go to the STRAVA website and create a FREE  account using the same e-mail address.  In your profile, link your  device or services.

3.     Search for the "mornin' run" club on STRAVA (Explore, Clubs) & join.

4.     Find the latest event and click "I'm In"

5.    On the event day, open your STRAVA app on your phone or watch & record your 5km event (we look forward to seeing your scribble maps as           you run around the garden, and hearing your treadmill stories!)

6.    Your event information will automatically upload to our CLUB page

7.    Please take photo's and upload them to the app

8.    As a club member, you can record all your training events

9.   Regrettably STRAVA does not allow children under 12 to have accounts.  However, we are happy to acknowledge the children participating with you.  


Submitted 25 Jul 20 / Views 1451